Being told that you need rotator cuff surgery can be an intimidating prospect. Physical Therapy after Surgery One of the main concerns is
One Exercise That Has Been Proven to Help Tennis Elbow Pain
There is a certain exercise that I assign all of my tennis elbow patients. You will find it in the video below. It's the one exercise that has
Safe Surgery
One of patient’s biggest fears before they are about to undergo an operation may be that their surgeon operates on the correct body part. In
How to Keep Your Glasses from Fogging When Wearing a Face Mask
Here's a video post that is timely for our COVID19 times. It's a little trick that I use in the OR to prevent my eye shields from fogging in the OR
Anchors: Do They Come Out?
As we mentioned in a previous post, most suture anchors stay in your bone for life. The technology has advanced to such a degree, that they are
Anchors Away: Tiny Devices That Can Help Your Shoulder in A Big Way
When I am explaining rotator cuff surgery to patients, one of the most common questions I get is, “How do you repair the tear?” My answer typically
Four Types of Patients
One of the most interesting parts of my job is that I get to interact with so many different types of people on a regular basis. Their different
Smoking is Bad for Your Shoulder Too
We highlighted an article a while ago about how smoking was bad for your bones in general. It not only leads to osteoporosis (weak bone) but can lead
Don’t Let Your Bones Go Up In Smoke
Most people know that smoking is bad for your heart and lungs. Few people know that it’s bad for your bones and joints. There’s a host of reasons why