I saw a patient recently that I have been treating for a few years. He originally sustained a very bad trauma – a gunshot wound to his dominant arm
Should You Wear A Sling After Shoulder Surgery?
A recent study in the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery compared outcomes of patients who had rotator cuff surgery based on how faithful they were
“When Can I Drive After Surgery?”
This is one of the most frequent questions that I get from patients. And it’s not an easy one to answer. Recently a team at The Hospital for Joint
When Having More Money May Be Bad For Your Kids’ Health
More money, more problems The Notorius B.I.G. There is a class of health research focused on relating socioeconomic status with overall health
Rotator Cuff Tears: Stranger Than You’d Think
No doubt about it, rotator cuff tears can be confusing. It’s not that you can’t understand the idea of having a tear in your tendon. That’s
“Do The Implants Have To Come Out?”
As a shoulder and elbow surgeon a lot of operations that I perform involve implanting hardware to help solve someone’s problem. Examples of hardware
How Do You Know If Your Orthopedic Surgeon Is Good?
Heuristics are “rules of thumb” that people use to make decisions in situations that involve uncertainty. Taleb writes about them in depth and I enjoy
Shoulder Arthritis: Two Truths
I saw a patient in the office recently whose x-rays were a testament to two important points about shoulder arthritis: For a given patient,
Bone Loss and Shoulder Dislocations: An Insidious Problem
A study from the recent American Arthroscopy Association of North America outlines risk factors for poor outcomes after surgery in patients who have